Special Announcement on New VA Funding Fees

10/1/2011 – Important Notice on VA Website…hold the fort on the new lower funding fees, apparently….

LOANS CLOSED ON OR AFTER OCTOBER 1, 2011:  Due to legislation affecting funding fees that has passed both houses of Congress and is awaiting the President’s signature, lenders should not submit payments for loans closed on or after October 1, 2011, until further notice.  This issue should be resolved within the next several days.   If the President signs the legislation, it will in effect keep funding fees at their FY2011 rates through November 17, 2011.  This means the changes set to take effect per Circular 26-11-12, might only be in effect for a very short time. 

For cases where lenders have closed loans with lower funding fees than provided in the new bill, the Secretary, under existing authority, will waive the difference in the fees.

PLEASE monitor this page for updates.  We will pass on information as soon as we get it and also release a circular if and when the bill is signed.

2 Responses to Special Announcement on New VA Funding Fees

  1. Thank you for this information. I am also a veteran and this information is very helpful.

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